Dayton, OH

(937) 741-4753

1127 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, Dayton, OH 45449

Drugs Addiction and Recovery

Substance abuse increases your risk of injuries and diseases, deteriorates your relationship with family members, and it hampers your productivity. Despite its negative implications, addicted people find it difficult to turn away from substance abuse because they feel like they cannot survive without using the substance. Have you been struggling to quit a substance? If you have, here is a solution to help you out of the mess.

Our Drug Rehab Centers

One of the most efficient ways to overcome substance abuse is to seek for drug rehabilitation services from an addiction recovery facility near you. Our drug rehabilitation centers offer treatment services to people who are addicted to alcohol, street drugs, and any other harmful substances in a safe and healthy way. Furthermore, we are located in a safe and quiet environment that gives you the peace of mind that you need to fight addiction.

Ideally, we have two types of drug rehab programs. The in-patient rehab program in which a client is retained until he or she recovers from addiction and the outpatient drug rehab program where customers are treated and discharged after each session. Our staff will help you choose a treatment plan that makes the most sense regarding your addiction.

How Does A Drug Rehab Facility Treat Addiction?

In our substance abuse treatment facility, we understand that treating addiction is not a simple task and that each client needs a different approach to help them recover from substance use. Our staff is dedicated to tailoring a drug recovery program to suit the unique needs of each client.


In this step, you will have the chance to meet and talk with one of our professional staff about your addiction. The purpose of dependency assessment is to identify if you are addicted and the extent of your addiction. Furthermore, our staff will assess if you have a recurring condition, and he or she will design a treatment scheme to help you defeat the problem. For this reason, we suggest that you provide honest information to help us formulate a successful treatment plan.

Supervised Detoxification

Detoxification is the first stage of any successful addiction recovery program. Supervised detoxification alleviates the unpleasant side effects of the withdrawal conditions that result from the sudden cessation. During this process, our addiction treatment facility staff ensures that they watch over our clients for maximum safety.

Behavioral counseling

After a successful detoxification, our clients are subjected to a carefully planned behavioral counseling session to help them cope with a life free of drugs. Some of the therapies we employ in this step include the individual behavioral therapy whereby we help people to identify and engage in hobbies and other vital interests. Furthermore, we help our clients to improve their time management skills alongside identifying and dealing with triggers to avoid relapse.

Besides the individual behavioral therapy, our Dayton, Ohio addiction recovery center also employs the group therapy as another effective therapy to help clients through addiction recovery. In this therapy, we let our client engage and share ideas with other clients who are fighting to overcome addiction. Furthermore, the staff at our addiction treatment center can invite the customer’s family members to support and help their member.

Assessment and management of co-occurring mental health problems

Many of the clients we serve in our drug detox clinic suffer from a co-occurring mental health disorder. Some of the mental disorders act as triggers among some clients to start abusing drugs as a way to deal with symptoms caused by an underlying disorder. A drug addiction program will not be successful without managing the co-occurring mental health problems.

Relapse prevention

Relapse prevention is the final process in our addiction recovery center. In this step, we help our clients to resist the triggers that can tempt them to start abusing a substance alongside helping them to cope with their new lifestyles.

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